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The Story

Our friends and relatives who witnessed and experienced the benefits of the nutritionally-fine-tuned lifestyle kept pressing me to do something beyond my immediate family. I've finally conceded.

Even though we've got a practical framework and essential products, our approach is very custom. We fine-tune specifics to your needs and challenges.

An essential and, arguably, the first element of a healthy lifestyle is bread.

People don't realize that what they buy in a supermarket is not bread. 

People are often surprised that even what they find in a health food store is far from optimum nutrition. 

Generally, any commercial place uses shortcuts that are detrimental to the quality and health consequences of the product.

The five sins of commercial bread:

  1. Refined vs. Whole
    •  Marketed as "whole" yet whole grain content maybe only 10-20%.
    • It's essential to understand why manufacturers are trying to minimize the content of whole grain in their flour. The less whole the products are, the cheaper it takes to transport them, the longer shelf life they have. That's why the refined grains took the food industry by storm. That's why, for many decades, we had almost no access to whole foods, in spite of refined foods being grossly inferior and even damaging nutrition-wise and health-wise.
  2. Yeast vs. Wild fermentation
    • A leavening agent used in bread baking is synthetically derived yeast.
    • "Artificial" yeast wasn't known to humankind until very recently. The fermentation by "wild" leavening agent, used in bread baking for thousands of years, is vastly superior.
    • The bread made with wild fermentation is called sourdough bread and is sometimes available in health food stores. However, commercial sourdoughs often suffer from the next two problems.
  3. Added yeast vs. Not a trace of yeast
    • Even though sourdough may be a part of the process, a baker still adds commercial yeast. Why?
    • Because it's faster, easier, and generally tastier. Many professional bread recipes use both - sourdough, and yeast.
    • So, what's the problem? The problem is that the fermentation process is quite different. The sourdough starter contributes some "natural" taste, yet commercial yeast does its job, and the result is grossly inferior.
  4. Fast vs. Slow fermentation process
    • To speed up the manufacturing cycle, too much sourdough starter used. Why?
    • The percentage of the starter in relevance to the whole amount of flour in a recipe is essential. The more starter you use, the faster it takes. The less starter you have, the longer it takes. The difference is substantial, for example, 3-4 hours with a lot of starter vs. 8-14-16 hours with a little starter (compare with 1 hour when done with commercial yeast).
    • By maximizing the amount of starter, bakers dramatically shorten the manufacturing cycle. However, health-wise, the difference between fast fermentation and slow fermentation is immense.
    • The bread that is best for your health is fermented very slowly, for a long time. For millennia people used slow fermentation to bake bread. Slow fermentation is what made bread into a magical powerhouse of nutrition and energy.
  5. Inferior flour vs. Superior flour
    • Besides whole vs. refined, yeast vs. wild fermentation, slow fermentation vs. fast fermentation, the main characteristic of the bread is the flour.
    • The difference in pricing, quality, and health benefits between the best flour and the worst is enormous. A baker has no incentive to use the best, as you don't taste the difference anyway.
    • But it's more than just price. There are more questions to ask. For example: How fresh is the flour? Was the grain genetically modified? Are you perhaps intolerant to this type of grain? Is the grain full of nutrition and energy? Don't expect commercial bakers to use the best grain. After all, why should they? It's so much more expensive for them, and their customers don't appreciate the difference anyway!

Our bread is handcrafted, home-made, from the choicest grains, 100% organic, 100% whole grain, 100% wild fermentation, derived by most beneficial, slow fermentation process. Such bread doesn't even begin to compare to any commercially available bread, including that in health food stores.

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Eliezer Tseytkin